Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sacred Places

Last week, after business meetings in Rochester, New York, I drove to Palmyra and visited the Palmyra Temple, the Sacred Grove and the Hill Cumorah visitors center. Photos really don’t capture the special spirit in those sacred places, but serve as reminders of my tender feelings when I spent a few moments there.

The Palmyra Temple is located in beautiful woodland setting. This shot was taken from the west side of the temple, facing east.

Palmyra, NY, Temple - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Smith family farmhouse, where Joseph lived when he experienced the first vision and where he first met Moroni, is located near the Sacred Grove.

Smith family farmhouse - Palmyra, NY

Spending a few minutes in the Sacred Grove at dusk is a humbling, enlightening experience.

Sacred Grove

A thick carpet of multicolored leaves is a fitting covering for this sacred ground.

Sacred Grove Leaves - full resolution original

By the way, these photos were taken with my iPhone camera and edited with TheBestCamera iPhone application.