Monday, December 24, 2007

Celebrating Christmas Eve

For the seventh consecutive year, we celebrated Christmas Eve with Rachel's family, alternating homes each year. Paul and Lana Dalton were our gracious hosts this year. We enjoyed a wonderful meal, had great musical entertainment and paused for a few minutes while Mark read about the birth of Christ from the gospels of Luke and Matthew.

Devlin sang "Silent Night" with all of us, and then sang an encore solo, "When Somebody Loves You," from Toy Story 2. Devlin loves to sing as he grows up in the footsteps of his talented parents.

Devlin singing "When Somebody Loves You" from Toy Story 2

Rachel favored us with "Birthday of a King."

Rachel singing "Birthday of a King"

David sang "O Holy Night," with such power and range that he gave us all goose bumps!

David sang 'O Holy Night," in his powerful tenor voice.

Mark read the Nativity story from Luke 2 and Matthew 2, reminding us once again of the miracle of the Savior's birth which we celebrate at this wonderful time of year.

Gramps read the Nativity Story from the gospels of Luke and Matthew

More photos of the wonderful evening we shared are on Mark's Flickr Photostream.

Good night and God Bless!